*CCS Content="Common Core Standards Content"
Please conduct due diligence and research the Common Core Standards before purchasing this or any Common Core Standards materials for your homeschool program.
Controversial as it is - the Common Core Standards is considered by many within the homeschool community - to be the driving force behind socialism and killing of our children's individuality -- that which produces the strengths and benefits of diversity we know in America.
Homeschool Supercenter offers this program for those wishing to utilize it with that understanding.
Many believe that Core Standards content and methodology could, in effect, make all children alike, thereby eliminating diversity and erasing the components that created American Exceptionalism: Individual Personality Traits, Thinking Skills, Interests, and Dreams.
Each grade-level bundle includes a Student Worktext and Teacher Edition.
Student Edition
The On Core Student Edition Workbook provides two page lessons complete with powerful visual models for each Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
On Core Mathematics can be used with any existing math program to provide complete coverage of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.
This program includes interactive lessons for each and every Common Core Math standard.
Grades K - 5
In Grades K-S students actively participate in lessons that use manipulatives and step-by-step models to develop an in-depth understanding of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
Grades 6 - Algebra 2
In Grades 6-Algebra 2, students gain a deeper understanding of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics by exploring,interacting, and reflecting on the skills and concepts presented.
Modeled Instruction
Each two-page lesson includes opportunities for understanding and practice.
Practice items help students master concepts and skills. Problem solving is integrated into every lesson to help students pull together concepts and skills and apply them to real-world situations.
Parent Support
On Core Mathematics Teacher Editions for Grades K-Algebra 2 provide background for each lesson, questioning strategies, and suggestions for differentiation.
Interactive Lessons
Students actively participate in every aspect of a lesson. They carry out an activity in 'Explore'
and complete the solution in 'Example.'
Problem Solving Connections
Special features near the end of the units focus on problem solving and help students apply the concepts
and skills they have learned to real-world situations.
Reflective Learning
Students learn to be reflective thinkers through follow-up questions. 'True Reflect' questions challenge students to really think about the mathematics they have just encountered and to share their understanding with the class.