Words to Go! Words to Know! Bundle/Kit Book F - Grade 6

Bundle includes:

  • Student Workbook
  • Answer Key

Grades 6 thru 8

A middle school vocabulary program for active learning

These lively and appealing student workbooks are a refreshing approach to learning new vocabulary words.

The humor- and fun-filled activities provide a memorable context for new words.

Students will remain actively engaged in every lesson.

Vocabulary Strategies

A Know-How section at the beginning of each student workbook directly teaches important vocabulary strategies, such as using

  • base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes
  • context clues
  • prior knowledge

Consistent Lesson Design

Multiple exposures to each new word are woven into each seven-step lesson.

  • a definitional and contextual context is provided for each new word
  • six varied activities provide practice for each new word
  • antonyms and synonyms, matching, true/false, sentence completion, rhymes, analogies, word forms, fill-in-the-blank, and more

Review and Assessment

  • a review after every five lessons helps students retain word meanings
  • Word Fun features allow students to internalize meanings through humor
  • Student Test Booklets contain lesson, unit, and whole book tests



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