LIFEPAC SELECT - Astronomy Complete Course Bundle/Kit

Created to offer depth to your curriculum, LIFEPAC Select Sets of Astronomy, Composition, Geography, Geology, Life of Christ, Life Science, and Mankind: Anthropology & Sociology were designed using a selection of LIFEPAC worktexts.

These worktexts were taken from four core LIFEPAC subjects (Bible, Language Arts, History & Geography, and Science.

Purchased individually, each subject set contains five unit worktexts and a teacher's guide and is equivalent to a half semester of study.

LIFEPAC Select sets use the unique design of worktext formats, allowing teacher's to mix and match LIFEPACs to provide alternative semester courses for junior high and high school student's.

These flexible courses work well as unit studies, supplementary electives, or for meeting various school or state requirements.

LIFEPAC Select Sets contain five worktexts and a teacher's guide

  • Published by: ALPHA OMEGA


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