Complete Standard Curriculum Package - 9th Grade


9th Grade...

Just the beginning of a four year journey to excellence!

(All of our bundles/packages contain SECULAR Materials. Secular = No bible-based content) 

Students will enjoy their 9th grade endeavor while using:

-An extremely popular ALGEBRA 1 program with comprehensive algebra content in a hardcover, full-color, student textbook is what is in this package. This Algebra course makes up the required mathematics curriculum for this year. A solutions manual with the problems worked out including all the answers is provided free of charge with this course.

 -Complementing his/her math will be an excellent, two-color, soft-cover BIOLOGY SCIENCE textbook alternative encompassing the studies of Life/Biology science. A perfect follow-up to the usual 8th grade physical science course of study. It's written in an easy-to-follow, easy-to-read format making biology accessible to every student. It includes a correlating workbook and accompanying test.
An answer key is placed into this package for the parent/teacher to round out the course.

-And of course, no package would be complete without SOCIAL STUDIES/HISTORY. This year's students will be studying American History using a beautiful, full color workbook set with an abundance of illustrations, photographs, and maps. The workbooks, (workbooks 1 & 2) incorporate a selection of biographies of famous history makers and, a must for every high school student, a constitution study guide helps finish the year off right! Certainly not your typical, boring history course! No! A very presentable, enticing course that all students enjoy partly because they're workbooks - in which a student can write.
AND - an Answer Key, as usual, is included.

-An ENGLISH GRAMMAR Workshop in a 2-color worktext format is included as part of the Language Arts Course selection which covers all forms of Grammar, Usage and Application, writing and Structure.
With an Answer Key and Assessment Booklet.

-A complete VOCABULARY course, in a write-in workbook format is part of this package. This course incorporates analogies, definitions, application, and word usage.
An Answer Key is provided for the teacher/parent.

-No! We didn't forget READING/LITERATURE...That's here too! A complete anthology of literary works, both classic and contemporary, covering every genre' of literature imaginable is presented in a worktext that allows the teacher and student to evaluate much more than comprehension, main ideas, details & inferences. Much more? There are; Embedded reading strategies for each reading selection with explicit instruction on how to apply a specific reading strategy to each stage of the reading process. Standardized test practice to demonstrate essential reading skills and gain confidence in testing situations as well as Vocabulary builders with strategy instruction to help decipher difficult words & Web-based activities with Interactive reading practice online.
Yes, we provide an Answer Key as well.

-We're also making WRITING/COMPOSITION inclusive. A well-regarded writing - composition program is in this package to help stress the importance and increase mastery of this topic. Both a teacher's edition and the student worktext are here for your student.

-OH YES! Our Standard & Deluxe Packages always consist of: A FREE gift for the student, A Full-Year schedule of all Core Courses, Record Keeping Forms, Report Card Form, Transcript Form, and a Teaching & Scheduling Guide along with a Certificate of Completion, suitable for framing.

All for the Complete Package Price.

 Homeschooling doesn't get any easier than this!

Homeschool Supercenter's Standard Ninth Grade - 9th Grade - Homeschool Curriculum Package / Homeschool Bundle


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