Learning About the Grade 10 Global History Curriculum Bundle


  • Student Workbook - 300 + pages

How learning About the Grade 10 Global History Curriculum will help you do your best on the New Global History Framework 

  • Every chapter in this book is 100% aligned with New Your State's new Social Studies Framework for Grade 10. It covers everything you need to know in Global History and Geography. Every Key Idea and Content Specification found in the curriculum is fully explored.
  • The book is highly illustrated, with hundreds of images, maps, diagrams and other visuals. The text is presented in a student-friendly language, in an easy to comprehend format.
  • The book is guided by an important principle: the "chunking of information" - breaking the content into "bite-sized" pieces so you can more easily "digest" the information. Complex events are divided into even smaller chunks - making them easier to understand and absorb.
  • The opening chapters provide you with tools to learn how to approach each type of question on the new Global History and Geography Regents. Later chapters explore, in an easy to understand manner, a step-by-step approach to answering evidence-based multiple-choice questions, constructed-response questions, and the enduring issue essay.
  • Each chapter contains a Summarizing Your Understanding section that uses the latest cutting-edge educational research on how students remember. Here you will find exercises that are time-tested ways to help you recall what you read.
  • This book contains hundreds of practice questions that mirror the same format and level of difficulty as you will find on the new Global History and Geography Regents. The book provides ample practice to answer every type of question.
  • The book emphasizes the learning of specialized social studies vocabulary. A "word wall" in every content chapter supports learning every term, concept, and person that you might encounter on the new Regents examination.
  • The authors are nationally recognized experts in the field of social studies, who have extensive experience in writing for past regents examinations and have authored numerous other books on global history.
  • The book employs innovative learning techniques, and leans heavily on the principles in John Bransford's How People Learn and incorporates proven strategies described in Robert Marzano's Classroom Instruction that Works.
  • Published by: JARRETT


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