HomeschoolBundles include:
- StudentEdition
- 1-year student and teacher access to SAVVAS.com
ElevateScience is a comprehensive K-8 science program that focuses on active,student-centered learning.
The blendedprint and digital curriculum engages homeschool students in phenomena-basedinquiry, three-dimensional learning, and hands-on investigations.
ElevateScience fuels an interest in STEM and creative problem solving while supportingliteracy development for all learners.
Click to watch Elevate Science video
Differences between Elevate Science and Interactive Science
1. New Science Standards Alignment: The new science standards emphasize thepractice of scientific inquiry. Elevate Science helps shift thecognitive load from guided inquiry to student-initiated experiences. Explicitstrategies vary the guidance based on student needs.
2. Phenomena-based learning: Exploration is the heart of science. TheQuest problem-based activity anchors each topic. Homeschool students “figureout" the problem's solution as they navigate the topic's lessons. It's realscience with engaging phenomena. Homeschool students apply their knowledge andskills to master the new science standards.
3. STEM Education: Connects Science, Technology, Engineering,and Mathematics in every topic, at every grade. STEM activities fuelinnovation, problem solving, collaboration, and reasoning-skills for futurecareers.
4. Literacy& Math Integration: Raisethe bar on ELD/Literacy and Mathematics Standards. Elevate Sciencehelps homeschool students think about, read about, write about, and talk aboutscience. By integrating phenomena with these crucial skills, you'll ‘elevate’results in all disciplines.
5. Assessment:
o LessonChecks: Formative assessmentin every lesson helps you monitor and support your students progress.
o End-of-topic: Summative assessment at the end of each topichelps to refine teaching practices.
o Evidence-based: Put homeschool students on the path tosuccess with practice aligned towards demonstrating their mastery of scienceconcepts
o Performance based: End-of-topic performance assessments allowhomeschool students to demonstrate mastery of the new science standards.
6. Differentiation: Elevate Science helps homeschool instructorsteach science with confidence.
Formerly known as Scott Foresman / Pearson Education